Friday, 13 December 2013

Going home for Christmas? Don't come back to unexpected damages!

You may not have been brilliant at doing the dishes, or taking the rubbish out, but one thing you MUST remember to do before leaving your student house is to leave your heating on low and/or turn off your stop cock. *High-five to anyone else who immaturely giggled at the word 'stop cock'*
It really is very important that the water is turned off or the heating left on because a burst pipe running for any length of time can leave the house uninhabitable for months. But there is even more to watch out for.
Rats! - Whatever you do, don’t leave food/plates/bowls out to rot while you are away or the house will stink when you get back and you could find yourself infested with rats and/or mice, together with a large bill to get rid of them. You should also check the fridges for anything that may rot over the Christmas period.
If you live in Canterbury, Please make sure all rubbish or recycling is put in the correct bin. If you leave any other bags out, they will still be there when you get back but ripped to shreds by animals. The Council will identify the culprits and dish out heavy fines. If you have excess bags take them to the tip on Vauxhall Road, CT1 1QY (Use Google maps if you are unsure where that is).
If you live in Medway, bag everything up and put the bags out. You will know your bin collection days by now and these are as normal up to 24 December. Make sure you have a good clear out the night before as you are not allowed to put bags out for longer than a day and will be fined by the Council if you do. You will need to take any excess bags to the tip - Ambley Road off Hoath Road ME8 0SJ (use Google Maps if you don’t know where it is).
When returning to the house, run the taps for two minutes so the water supply is fresh and not stagnant water that has been sitting in the pipes for weeks.
Don't ruin New Year by damaging your property - do it now for a truly Happy New Year!

Twitter: @PikaJules @Accomforstudent @afs_canterbury @GlideStudent
Instagram: @RaiJules @Accomforstudent