Wednesday 30 October 2013

9 Ways To Stop Mould Taking A Hold!
Every landlord will tell you they receive a number of calls each year regarding mould, especially around windows and in bathrooms; and if the mould is REALLY bad, you could face a charge for cleaning or re-painting!
The Cause – mould occurs when moist air is allowed to build up in un-vented spaces and especially when moist air comes into contact with a cold surface such as an outside wall or window. Water vapour turns to water in the form of condensation causing damp patches where mould spores will develop and grow.
Tips to Help Avoid Mould.
1              Make sure you open your curtains every morning and leave them open until dark falls;
2              Open all of your windows and internal doors (especially bedroom doors) every day, all at the same time and for a reasonable period (at least half an hour), to allow a change of air throughout the house. Do this even in cold weather. Fresh air is important anyway for maintaining good health;
3              Open the bathroom window after every shower/bath. You need to get rid of any steam that has been released into the air;
4              Leave the shower door/curtain open after use to allow air to circulate easily within the shower;
5              Don’t have the shower or bath water too hot. The hotter the water, the more steam released into the atmosphere; 
6              If condensation builds up on your window sill, mop it up every day. This is a household chore we all need to do in our homes every day during autumn, winter and spring months;
7              Where possible, don’t put furniture, especially beds, on an outside wall. Warm moist air will get trapped between the cold wall and the furniture and mould will inevitably form. If you have to put furniture on an outside wall, regularly put the nozzle of the vacuum cleaner behind the furniture to replace the air there. If it’s your bed against the wall, move it out a couple of times a week; 
8              If you dry your clothes on the radiators, make double sure you open your windows that day; 
9              Finally, at the first sight of mould appearing, clean it off with an anti-mould cleaner available cheaply from any supermarket. Don’t let it take a hold!

Monday 28 October 2013

You can find me in the club, bottle full of bub... or not! 10 Alternatives to clubbing!

You can find me in the club, bottle full of bub.... or maybe not going clubbing at all! Maybe the clubs at your Uni just don't do it for you. They're too crowded, too expensive, too sticky & smelly - or maybe you just want to do something else? If this is the case, Accommodation for Students brings you alternatives!


House Party
(I found this pun far funnier than I should have!|) Cheaper than going out, and no walk of shame aftwards! Plus you get to keep any alcohol people leave behind - whats not to like?!

Can you handle the inevitable shame??

Sports bar 
Football, Rugby, Formula 1, Boxing and Wrestling are just some of the sports your local bar could be showing - nothing says good night like your team winning whilst you and your mates have a good old fashioned boat race.

You prbably signed up to every single one - try them out!

Date Night
Wether it's with your other half, or that person you've had your eye on since freshers - a dinner, a movie and maybe more (if it goes well!) could mean a good night!

Game Night
Board or Console, it doesn't matter - Just don't be a sore loser.

There's alleys all over the place. PLus it's one of the only sports where its fun if you suck :)

Students normally get discounted tickets, and there's so many two-for-one deals out there there really no excuse to miss anything.

Actually Study
Michael Scott No
Hahahahaha...... no.

Twitter: @PikaJules @Accomforstudent @GlideStudent
Instagram: @RaiJules @Accomforstudent


Saturday 19 October 2013

Baby, Baby, Baby, NOOOOOOO! - A quick guide to contraception

"EEEWWWW WHY WOULD YOU WRITE ABOUT THIS?!" you're probably screaming! But it recently came to my attention that not many girls know about the multiple methods of contraception available to us! I have a contraceptive implant in my arm, and so many people touch it and scream about how disgusting it is without knowing the benefits of other contraceptive methods other than the pill. Nobody wants an unwanted infection from a sexual encounter, or a little version of themselves to look after 9 months afterwards...
So AFS is here to shake loose all shame and get you informed, so you can make the safest and best suited choice for you!

NOTE: please not that there is no form on contraception that is 100%. Please use caution and good judgement when making decisions regarding your sexual health . 

Condoms - Condom Vending Machines

Like a little rubber hat for the male in this equation, condoms work by catching sperm as it is released and stopping it from entering the baby making engine of the female.

  • 98% effective. 
  • Available in almost every supermarket or drug store.
  • You can pick up free condoms from most sexual health clinics. 
  • Protects against STI's if used correctly. 
  • No advanced preparation needed to use.
  • Various choices. (Latex free, flavored, ribbed... you know!)

  • 2% ineffective
  • Risk of splitting of tearing, rendering the whole thing useless
  • Some people are allergic to latex. (Best to ask first to avoid embarrassment later!)
  • Damage can occur when used with oil-based lubricants

The Pill
Contraceptive pills increase the size of certain parts of women’s brains, improving memory and social skills, scientists believe. 

The pill uses synthetic versions of the female hormones to prevent your ovaries from releasing an egg. They can come in packs of three weeks to allow you time off for your period, or as a running cycle.

  • 99% effective
  •  Can help regulate and even lighten your periods
  • Reduces risk of ovarian, colon and womb cancers
  • Can help reduce symptoms of PMS, acne and polycystic ovarian syndrome
  • 1% ineffective
  • Does not protect against STI's
  • The pill must be taken at the same time each day, otherwise an egg may be released and your contraceptive cover is gone.
  •  May increase blood pressure
  •  Has been linked to increase risk of thrombosis and breast cancer

 Contraceptive Implant


This is what I have! The implant works by inserting a small flexible tube under the skin of your upper arm (inserted by a professional of course!), and slowly releasing progesterone into your body. This hormone things the lining of your womb so a released egg will not fertilize. 

  • 99% effective
  • Lasts for 3 years
  • Can be easily removed if you are not comfortable with it
  • Periods may stop altogether
  • 1% ineffective
  • Effectiveness varies between people. Periods may stop completely (as in my case), but may infact make them heavier and more painful (as in a friends case)
  • People always want to touch it!!
  • Needs to be inserted by a needle (but they numb it first so just don't look!) 

The Injection
We all know what injections look like, and mot people hate them! So instead, here is a gif of pandas on a slide! 

This method involves being injected in either the bottom or the upper arm with progesterone. This treatment can last between 8 to 12 weeks, depending on the type of injection - all which will be clarified by the administrating healthcare professional.

  • 99% effective
  • 8-12 week working period
  • Not affected by other medication
  • 1% ineffective
  • Not always viable to get an injection every 2 months
  • side effects may include weight gains and irregular bleedin
  • Fertility may take up to 1 year to return after last injection wears off
  • Does not protect against STIs

For more information about any of the mentioned contraceptives and many more methods, visit

Twitter: @PikaJules / @Accomforstudent / @Glidestudent
Instagram: @RaiJules / @Accomforstudent

5 tips for dealing with grief away from home

Everyone experiences grief in their lifetime. A loss of a family member of friend is a terrible time in someone's life, and experiencing it away from home can make the grieving process even more challenging. However, there steps you can take to make the stages of grief a little easier.

1. Take time off, but don't isolate yourself 
You may not feel like going to that party, society social, or even watching a movie with your housemates - but don't shut yourself away entirely. Your friends and lecturers will understand that you are hurting, but they want to help you. Even just having a cup of tea at breakfast time and letting people know you are ok helps.

2. Channel your anger positively
The second stage in the grieving process is anger. This anger may be directed towards inanimate objects, friends or family. Although many people understand you may not mean to take your anger out in them, someone unaware of the situation may not be as understanding. Try channeling your anger and turning it into positive activities. Hobbies such as instrument playing or physical activity can help, and even watching a film to release some of those pent up tears can make you feel better - even if it's just for a moment.

3. Live for today, not for yesterday
You may be able to come up with a million reasons as to how the death could have been avoided, but dwelling on them will not change anything: it will only make you feel more sad and angry. "What if..." is the dreaded phrase here, and acceptance is the only answer.

4. Surround yourself with happiness
Depression is linked very closely with grief and loss, be careful not to be overwhelmed. Keep focusing on goals when making funeral plans, or even just on how to make it through the day. Don't feel bad when you smile or laugh - the person you love will be happy to know that you miss them, but are not losing out on your own life.

5. Don't feel guilty
Spending time with other friends and relatives of the one you lost can help - sharing memories and funny moments with those helps you to remember them as they were, which is all you need to do. 

All in all, do whatever you can to make it through til the end. People are there to help you, not hinder you. Let then help you - the process will only get easier with time.

In memory of my dear friend Dave Riley - missed everyday, but never forgotten xxx

Twitter: @PikaJules @accommforstudent @GlideStudent
Instagram: @RaiJules @accommforstudent

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Canterbury: A City & Accommodation Guide

Canterbury City Review

I’m     Julia (Jules)                 I’m in    3rd year           , studying      Marketing  at CCCU                and I live in Canterbury, just off Sturry Road

Your idea of a great night out in your city
The best way to start any night is with your closest friends and housemates; and nothing goes hand in hand with social interaction like a takeaway! Domino’s pizza is always a good shout, and has multiple deals available to get the most for your money. Ordering as a group means you save money, so therefore can order those chicken wings you love so much! If you fancy something a little more exciting, Palace Chinese Takeaway means you can curb those chow-mein cravings for under a fiver. After a delicious meal, it’s off to your nearest supermarket to stock up on pre-drinks, soda and a quick trip to the cash machine before heading out. There are a multitude of clubs available in Canterbury. The most popular club is Club Chemistry; comprising of 3 floors with varying music genres across the road from Canterbury East train station. However, my personal favourite is Alberry’s. On a Friday night, this bar opens its basement floor and host’s a night of indie and rock music which is more to my taste, plus there are more non-alcoholic alternatives available, so there is something for everyone to enjoy at the bar. On the walk (or stumble) home, I always like to stop off at Efes Kebabs. The friendly customer service, generous helpings and lashings of burger sauce will replace that sickly feelings in your tummy with warm deliciousness!

Best places to eat
Canterbury is home to many high street restaurant chains; McDonalds, Subway, Nandos, Wagamamas, Pizza Express and of course Wetherspoons. All these places offer reliable food you know and love from home. However, this is university! Try something new! Café Du Soleil just over from the Westgate Towers serves delicious, high quality food cooked on an open fire for prices even the poorest student can afford! Tacos Locos is also a fantastic place to visit if you are a lover of all things Mexican – they also give you a free shot if you visit on your birthday!  CJ’s is another fantastic place to visit for a healthy, yet filling lunch. The premise is very similar to Subway, but more varied fillings such as hoisin duck and spring onion are available.

Hidden Gems
One of my favourite spots in the city also doubles as a shortcut. Behind the Sainsbury’s on Kingsmead road is a stream that leads all the way to the Marlowe Theatre Gardens. This stream has a footpath that leads away from the main road of the city centre – tucked into a quiet pocket of this historic city. The stream is surrounded by trees, and frequent spots of grass make it the perfect spot for a picnic. Westgate Gardens, located next to the Westgate Towers is another place of natural beauty, and taking a boat trip along the canal is the best way to see this slither of nature embedded in the heart of the city. If you have a couple of quid, you should take the bus to one of the nearby beaches. Broadstairs is the best, but Margate, Ramsgate and Herne Bay all offer the typical seaside experience, all within a direct public transport route.

Best thing about your city
The best thing about Canterbury is the massive student population. With CCCU, UKC, UCA, the American University and Canterbury Collage all located within mere miles of each other, you will always find students wherever you go. This means you can guarantee every night out will bring new friends and events no matter where you end up. Canterbury is one of the warmest places in the UK, so in the warmer months you can guarantee you will be having multiple barbeques and lounging in Dane John Gardens. CCCU students get into the cathedral for free with their university student card; it’s a good chance to see where you and your classmates will graduate, and a definite tourist sight for anyone interested in architecture or history.

Worst thing about your city.
As Canterbury is a tourist hotspot, and is located so close to Dover, you do end up barraging your way through hundreds of tourist trying to get to your lectures, especially in the spring and summer months. French schools take day trips to visit Canterbury and will overtake the city in the same way you did in fresher’s week. Also, the city is small – this is a benefit when living in the city because everything is right on your doorstep. But when you need a store or a location not within the city, it can be a bit of a pain to get to.

Where are they:

Domino’s Pizza
64 A Militray Road, CT1 1LU
01227 789666

Palace Chinese
6 St Dunstans Street, CT2 8AF
01227 462108

Club Chemistry
15 Station Road East, CT1 2RB
01227 462520

38 St Margaret’s Street, CT1 2TY
01227 452378

36 Northgate, CT1 1BL
01227 766966

Café Du Soleil
5 Pound Lane, CT2 8AA
01227 479999

Tacos Locos
45 St Peter’s Street, CT1 2BG
01227 379330

29B St Margarets Street, CT1 2TG
01227 478999

Canterbury Accommodation
Canterbury is a city that has almost been built for students. There are so many houses in various locations around the city, you can decide where to live and find a house in a price range to suit you almost instantly. Rent averages at around £82 a week, which initially seems high – but many properties in Canterbury have utility bills included. Considering the national average rent for student accommodation is around £80 anyway, £8 a month for utilities is a pretty good deal!
AfS found students living in Canterbury gave the city an overall score of 58%, increased by its variety of store and facilities and the extensive student community. Almost every student property is within walking distance of shops and campus – and those slightly further have reliable public transport.
Areas which had particularly high satisfaction ratings are properties located in the City Centre, North Holmes Road and localities of Station Road East. These properties rated high in facilities and locations to go in the city.

Afs top tip 
The city is almost split in two in terms of accommodation, depending on which university you go to. If you attend CCCU you are better off being on the south side of town towards Sturry or Wincheap as these locations are much close to campus. UKC students should look for housing around Hales Place as it means you won’t have to trudge up and down that hill to get to every lecture.

Monday 7 October 2013

Every Penny Helps: 7 Tips on how to food shop like a pro!

Everyone loves it when student loan comes in - you feel like this!

But pretty soon, after numerous shopping trips, nights out and that new gadget you just HAD to buy - you can end up feeling a bit more like this...
You can survive without material goods, but you cant survive without food! So to help you live off what little loan you have left, AFS brings you the best tips to shopping like a cheapskate!
1) Reduced Section!
Where would I be without this golden section of the supermarket! You can pick up all your meat and other food that is very close to being out of date for a fraction of the original cost. If you get it home and freeze it you can make it last another few days! (As long as you consume it the day you defrost it, don't make yourself ill!)
2) Buy Fruit and Veg loose
Only need one onion or one potato for your meal? Don't buy a large bag - it'll only sit in your cupboard until it starts growing things that don't look like they belong on this earth. Only buy what you will use, you'll save a couple of quid each time which adds up to quite a few nights out!

3) Look for special deals
Deals on things you buy often can pay off buying in bulk. For instance, if you eat a lot off egg fried noodles, you can justify going for that "two for £3" deal. Anything that won't go off anytime soon like sauces and pastas are great examples to snap up lots of food for the reduction of the price.

4) Save your leftovers
Investing in some Tupperware could be a life saver. Can't finish all your dinner? Store it overnight and eat it for lunch tomorrow!

5) Avoid impulse buys
Know what you need to buy before doing your shopping and stick to that list. Avoid snacks and extras you don't really need. As they said in Heat - "Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner." 
6) Look for cheap alternatives
Great examples include buying chopped tomatoes instead of bolognese sauce, or buying locally sourced alcohol instead of branded beer. If

7) Work in a supermarket
Most employers offer their employees some sort of discount - and working in a supermarket means money off food! 10% off your food shop adds up over the months!

Twitter: @PikaJules / @Accomforstudent / @Glidestudent
Instagram: @RaiJules / @Accomforstudent

Tuesday 1 October 2013


Giving up smoking is never easy - but there's no doubt it's good for you. Not only are you improving your health, you'll be saving a lot of money! There are many different methods for you to chose from to aid you in your fight against the sticks - so as part of Stoptober, AFS is here to inform on tips and tricks to kick the habit!

Gum is a popular favorite amongst many quitters. The strength of the gum varies on the number of cigarettes you smoked daily. Gum offers a short burst of nicotine to control the inevitable onset of cravings.

Patches can come in varying time frames, ranging right up until 24 hours. Patches release nicotine through the skin, and are perfect for those quitting with discretion.

Lozenges work in the same way as gum, but last 20-30 minuets, but you should refrain from using lozenges if you suffer from mouth ulcers.

Inhalators look like a plastic cigarette, and work by releasing nicotine vapor. Inhalators are perfect for those addicted more to the motion of smoking rather than the nicotine.  

Nasal Spray
Nasal sprays work the same as hay-fever and cold/flu nasal sprays. The line your nasal passage with nicotine to provide much faster relief from cravings than gum or lozenges.

Not being a smoker myself, I couldn't give any personal advice. So I asked people who had quit smoking to give me their advice on how to kick the cravings.

"My biggest motivation to first quit came from my dad. When I told him I was smoking, I could see the disappointment in his eyes. Smoking wasn't worth losing his respect" - Conleith Ramm
Set yourself a goal
"Having a constant reminder of why your are quitting is a constant boost to keep you on track. It may be a photo of a loved one, or the thing you want to buy with the money you'll save. Having these reminders in places like the fridge and the background of your phone will help you stay on track" - Natalie Ryman
Keep busy
"The best way to fight off cravings are to stay busy. Play video games, read a book, do uni work or even just go for a walk. Keeping busy will keep your mind off the fact you are craving a cigarette" - James Broad

Health Benefits
Below is an image taken from the Huffington Post about the health benefits of stopping smoking.
smoking timeline

Bless You!! 6 ways to beat Freshers Flu!

Drinks! Friends! Parties! Drunken walks home! Hangover Cures! Its all the fun of Freshers Week! But I bet now you're feeling really rough. The cold you have is no cold. Its not even a super cold. It's worse than the plague - its FRESHERS FLU!! But won't worry, AFS is here to give you top tips on how to nurse yourself back to full awesomeness!

1. Liquids!
No! Put that beer down! Alcohol will only add to that banging headache! Instead, grab a glass of water or orange juice to cleanse all those toxins out of your system.

2. Stay Clean!
You're covered in germs, you need to get rid of them! Frequently wash your hands and your body to make sure they don't start calling your body home.Giving your room a clean will also benefit you. Washing clothes and bedsheets frequently will stop germs nesting

3. Say it, Don't Spray it!
Cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze and cough - its common sense, but it helps! Keeping germ infested tongues out of your mouth are also good ways to avoid catching the dreaded flu.

4. Avoid the chills, party indoors!
All those cold walks home after a night out only contribute to Freshers Flu. Getting a Taxi home, staying the night at somebody's house, or even having the party at your own place are all great ways to avoid the chills without affecting your social status.

5. Fresh Fruit, Fresh Health!
As your mummy always taught you to - eat your greens! They're full of vitamins and healthy goodness designed to make you healthy. Buying loose fruit and veg rather than large bags saves money too - an apple in your bag will cost mere pence a day!