Wednesday, 27 November 2013

I know you want me....... do you? 5 Ways to tell if that girl in class REALLY likes you

You've got settled in now, into the flow of assignments and lectures, how to cure that hangover, and where the hottest of hot hotspots are. You may have even got talking to that hot girl in your class, and you want to see if she'd like to "hang out" sometime. But we all know, women can be tricky. So how can you tell if she really DOES like you enough to want to see you outside the class or club environment?

Obvious eye contact
Look with your eyes, not with your hands! that how lawsuits happen. If you catch her looking at you often, or if she is actually really interested in what you're saying, hanging on your every word, she probably likes you. Just watch out for the crazy eyes - COMPLETELY different ball game! 

Leaning towards you
If she is constantly finding reasons to be near you, but doesn't feel comfortable enough yet to physically touch you, she's probably sniffing around to see if you'll make the first move. But if she leans and falls, she's probably drunk - so make a good judgement call with this one.

Physical touching
If you've played all your cool cards and send off the right signals, she might be confident enough to touch you. This is the most obvious sign that a woman is interested. Touching your arm, knee or bum for the more cheeky ones is pretty much guaranteed that she's interested. Or again, drunk.

Talking to you a lot
In lectures, after lectures, text, phone, Facebook, twitter - if she maintains a conversation long than any other girl you know, she probably likes you. Or is a grade A stalker....... 

laying with clothes, hair, jewelery or anything else she has on her person could mean she wants to put her hands on you, but still isn't sure if you'd reciprocate. This girl could very well be interested in you! 

Twitter: @PikaJules @Accomforstudent @afs_canterbury @GlideStudent
Instagram: @RaiJules @Accomforstudent

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