Tuesday 5 November 2013

Bills, Bills, Bills - 6 ways to reduce utility costs

As winter sets in and the temperature drops, it can be unbelievably tempting to turn up the thermostat and blast the radiators.... until the bill plops onto your mat and you're throwing away what little student loan you have left. But there's no need to let icicles form on your face, these simple tips have comfort and money saving in mind!
 1.  Keep your thermostat at a comfortable level - the Government recommends a level of 21 degrees is sufficient for a comfortable level for healthy living, but if you can pull on a jumper and knock it down a few degrees you will only save more!
2. Turn the heating right down when no one is home - who are you wasting that heat for?!
3. Use the Time - Set the heating to turn on half an hour before you wake up, and to turn off when you are all dressed. Then later in the day, set it to turn on half an hour before dark and turn off when everyone is in bed.
4.  Timed Showers - Don't forget that water is considered a charged utility aswell. Do all life's decision making on the toilet instead of in the shower.
5. Communal meals - eating together as a house not only is a great social activity, it uses less gas and electricity than if you all cooked seperately.

6. Turn off appliances when they are not being used - it seems simple, but you'd be surprised how much an idle appliance uses simply by being plugged into the wall.
Being sensible with utilities is not only good for saving you money, it is also good for the environment. That is something we should all care about as it affects us all, you, being young, more so than the older generations!
If utility bills really worry you, why not have a chat with AfS bezzie mates over at Glide? They're job is to help students out with their utility bills!
Twitter: @PikaJules @Accomforstudent @GlideStudent
Instagram: @RaiJules @Accomforstudent

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