Wednesday 30 October 2013

9 Ways To Stop Mould Taking A Hold!
Every landlord will tell you they receive a number of calls each year regarding mould, especially around windows and in bathrooms; and if the mould is REALLY bad, you could face a charge for cleaning or re-painting!
The Cause – mould occurs when moist air is allowed to build up in un-vented spaces and especially when moist air comes into contact with a cold surface such as an outside wall or window. Water vapour turns to water in the form of condensation causing damp patches where mould spores will develop and grow.
Tips to Help Avoid Mould.
1              Make sure you open your curtains every morning and leave them open until dark falls;
2              Open all of your windows and internal doors (especially bedroom doors) every day, all at the same time and for a reasonable period (at least half an hour), to allow a change of air throughout the house. Do this even in cold weather. Fresh air is important anyway for maintaining good health;
3              Open the bathroom window after every shower/bath. You need to get rid of any steam that has been released into the air;
4              Leave the shower door/curtain open after use to allow air to circulate easily within the shower;
5              Don’t have the shower or bath water too hot. The hotter the water, the more steam released into the atmosphere; 
6              If condensation builds up on your window sill, mop it up every day. This is a household chore we all need to do in our homes every day during autumn, winter and spring months;
7              Where possible, don’t put furniture, especially beds, on an outside wall. Warm moist air will get trapped between the cold wall and the furniture and mould will inevitably form. If you have to put furniture on an outside wall, regularly put the nozzle of the vacuum cleaner behind the furniture to replace the air there. If it’s your bed against the wall, move it out a couple of times a week; 
8              If you dry your clothes on the radiators, make double sure you open your windows that day; 
9              Finally, at the first sight of mould appearing, clean it off with an anti-mould cleaner available cheaply from any supermarket. Don’t let it take a hold!

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