Tuesday 17 September 2013

Down it Fresher!!

 Its not a party without a drinking game! Grab a beverage and let's play!
But please remember to drink responsibly, stay safe, and only play if you are 18+.

International Drinking Rules 

1. No saying the word "drink" 
2. No saying any other player's name, or whatever they are usually known as 
3. No swearing 
4. No pointing with the finger or thumb 
5. Players must drink with their left hand (or right hand if they are left-handed). 
6. An empty glass cannot be put down, it must be refilled first. 
7. Whoever makes a spillage, cleans it up by lickage.
8. Any player who fails to comply to these rules must CONSUME THEIR BEVERAGE!


Beer Pong
The most iconic drinking game of all time!

What you need:
- Cups
- Table (although the floor works too- but remember: spillage is lickage!)
- Ping pong ball

1. Split your group into 2 teams at opposite ends of the table, and arrange your cups into a triangle. Size depends on how adventurous you are! 
2. Half fill the cups with whatever beverages you like.
Each team takes it in turns to throw the ball and try to land it into the other teams cup. 
3. If you succeed, a player from the rival team must consume that beverage!
4. The first team to finish all their drinks loses, and must finish all the winnings team drinks as punishment.



Fuzzy Duck
Best played while already slightly intoxicated. Don't be fooled by how seemingly easy this game is!

1. Everyone sits in a circle, with a beverage of their choice.
2. The first player to go starts by saying "Fuzzy Duck" to the person on their left.
3. The phrase continues to the left, until someone responds to "Fuzzy Duck" with "Does He?" to the person on their right. The game has now changed direction.
4. When the direction changes, the phrase also changes to "Ducky Fuzz" - continuing in a right hand direction, until once again the phrase and direction is changed by someone responding "Does He?"
5. Messed up? DRINK!


I Have Never
Everyone knows it - everyone hates it! And normally with good reason and some dirty secrets...
1. Going round in a circle, someone states the phrase "I have never...." followed by something they have not done
2. Anyone else in the room who has done what has been stated, DRINK!

Warning: You might learn a little too much about your uni friends playing this!


Boat Race
Very much like the iconic Oxford/Cambridge boat race - just a lot more interesting!

1. Split into 2 teams of no less than 4 and sit in a line with a pint of you chosen beverage.
2. On the shout of 'Go!' the first person in line must down their drink as fast a possible and stand the empty glass on their head.
3. Once they have put the glass on their head, the second person can start drinking. So on and so forth until you reach the end of the line. The winner is the first team to finish


I'm Ron Burgundy? 
Best played with scotch, or milk - providing its not too hot, that would be a bad choice!

What you'll need:
- A copy of Anchorman
- Shot glassess
- Alcohol

1. Watch Anchorman, and follow these simple rules

1 drink when:
- Someone drinks
- Someone smokes
- Someone talks directly to the camera
- Someone makes a pass at Veronica Corningstone

2 drinks when you see:
- A cameo
- An ashtray
- A teleprompter
- A Wide-shot of the San Diego skyline

3 drinks when someone says:
- "Panda"
- "Burgundy"
- A burgundyism
- Any quotable line

Down your drink when:
- Someone is playing Jazz Flute
- You reach Pleasure Town

Think it's easy to count to 21? Think again.

1. In a clockwise direction, the first player starts off with "1".
2. players then continue to count. I if someone says two numbers, the game changes direction.
3. If three numbers are said, it skips the next player and continues in the same direction.
4. Mistakes are punishable by drinking.
5. The lucky player who shouts "21" drinks and makes a new rule. Personal favourites include swapping numbers (4 is now 8 and vice versa) and speaking in accents.

You'll never listen to this song in the same way again!

1. Divide into two teams and put on 'Roxanne', link here! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXzFCS72QIA
2. One team drinks everytime 'Roxanne' is said
3. The other team for 'Put on Your Red Light'
 4. Repeat as necessary

Ring of Fire
Everyone knows this game! But the list wouldn't be complete without it :3

What you'll need:
- A large glass
- A pack of cards

1. Arrange the pack of cards face down in a circle around the large empty glass. 
2. Agree on what each card means. Everyone has different rules, so experiment!

Ace - Waterfall
Everyone fills their drinks and starts drinking at the same time. The person who picked the ace drinks for as long or as little as they like, but the second person cannot stop drinking until the first person has. When the first person stops, power is handed to the second player. They now drink for as long or as little as they like, and the third player has to wait until the second player stops until they stop. Play continues in this manner until everyone has finished.

2 - You
Pick someone to drink

3 - Me
You take a drink

4 - Whores
girls drink

5 - Dive
Hit the deck! last to lie down on the floor drinks/

6 - Dicks
Guys drink

7 - Heaven
Hands in the air! (Like you just don't care!) Last hand in the air drinks.

8 - Mate
Pick a drinking buddy. Every time you drink, your mate has to drink too!

9 - Busta Rhyme
The player who picked the card chooses a word (don't try and be smart and pick a word with no rhymes, everyone hates that guy!). the players then go round he circle saying words that rhyme. for example, Cat, Hat, Mat, Splat..... If a word is repeated, hesitated or made up, the failure drinks!

10 - Thumb Master
The player who picked the card can place their thumb on the floor at any point during the game. The rest of the players must repeat this action once it is spotted - last to do so drinks

Jack - Make a Rule
Exactly what it says on the tin!

Queen - Question Master
The player with this card becomes the question master. Their job is to trick other players into drinking. If the question master asks you a question, you must reply with another question - loser drinks. For example:

QM: What's the time?
Player 2: 10:30

QM: What's the time?
Player 2: Why don't you look at your watch?

King -  Contribute
Add your drink to the central class until it is filled 1/4. Once all 4 kings have been overturned and the glass is full, the player who got the final king has to down the dirty pint :/

Twitter: @PikaJules
Instagram: @RaiJules
Google+: +juuuules592 

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