Wednesday 18 September 2013

Homeward Bound: 10 tips for staying safe at night

As much fun as freshers is, going out and getting drunk with your new friends can turn sour in a heartbeat. Some cities are safer than others, but no city is free of crime. You've got to make sure that you and your friends don't cut the fun short by getting into trouble. Here are 10 simple tips that will help you avoid trouble during some of the best nights of your life.


Exchange numbers and charge your phone before leaving
Get the mobile numbers of the people you are out with, so if you get separated you are only a phone call or text away from locating each other. Ensuring everyone has a full charge also means you won't get caught out with a dead phone and no way of contacting each other.

Know where you are going
Its best to know which is the best way home from where you are, or even how to get there. If you are meeting friends at a pub, don;t wander aimlessly around hoping to stumble across it. The quicker and safer you get there, the more time you have to have fun with your new found friends.

Travel in groups or pairs
Traveling on your own highlights your vulnerability. Even if you are a black-belt ninja assassin, an attacker will take advantage of the fact there are no witnesses around. A friend is not only a deterrent, but a comfort for both of you - and a brilliant time for some bonding :)

Stay in well lit areas
It may be quicker to cut down that dark alley way or walk through that field, but sticking to main roads and well lit streets means you can easily see everyone around you, and won't fall over those pesky cobbles!

Keep your belongings safe
A bag with a zip and and an over the shoulder strap is the surest way to make sure you wont forget your bag at the bar. Keeping your phone and your money in your bra also works for keeping your belongings close. Don't flash your cash at the bar or wave your expensive phone or camera around during the night - you essentially turn into a walking advert.

Have a copy of emergency contacts 
A note card with your house number, your flatmates mobile and a local taxi service comes in very handy when you've got separated or your phone is out of charge/credit.

Keep an eye on your drink 
We've all heard stories of people getting their drink spiked in clubs, and we all listen and nod and say "that will never happen to me!". The truth is it can happen to you - all it takes is one second taking your eye off the ball and you're in trouble. Keep your drink in your hand and, if drinking from a bottle, holding your thumb over the top will ensure nobody spoils your night.

Walk confidently and quickly
Having a change of flats in your bag not only feels great after a long night in high heels, but also helps you walk faster and straighter. You don't want to be hanging around any longer than you need to be, and stumbling over just highlights your vulnerability.

Shout "Fire!" instead of "Help!" 
I learnt this handy tip from Duke of Edinburgh. If you shout "Help!", people may not come to help as they worry they may not be able to handle the situation. Shouting "Fire!" gets a quicker and larger response. Everyone has had some degree of fire safety training, and are more likely to come to your help.

Get a good look at them
If, God forbid, you are being victimized by an attacker, get a good look at them. The details you remember will help should the matter need police attention. Features such as height, weight, hair color, eye color, tattoos, clothing and accents will all help build a profile to investigate.

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