Saturday 14 September 2013

From college caterpillar to social butterfly - it's social time!

As university's across the country brace themselves for the flood of students - it's time for you to brace yourselves too! You're going to be meeting hundreds of new people. But don't be scared! These people will become your home away from home, your best friends, or even your future husbands or wives! Here are some tips to expand your social network!

1. Just say HI!!

Nobody wants to make the first move - but someone has to! Just saying that one small word with a smile and a wave breaks the first wall of social interaction: now you've got it! The rest comes naturally, soon you'll be discussing hometowns, hobbies and drunken stupors!

2. Get out there!

Don't sit in your room all day waiting for people to come to you, nobody wants to be friends with the guy who never makes an effort. Something as simple as leaving your bedroom door open shows you care about your new housemates and actually want to interact with them. 

Attending events is another way to meet everyone! Friends of friends will comes, as will THEIR friends, and soon they'll be your friends too! (My best friends this year I met through people on my course!) Even if clubbing and pub crawls aren't your idea of fun, societies offer groups of all hobbies and skills - attend your university's freshers fair and sign up!

3. The power of the Internet

The Internet is our friend, it gave us Lolcats and Gangnam Style! So use it to your advantage! Learnt someone's name on your course? Add them on Facebook! Seen a photo of yourself taken by a club photographer? Tag yourself in it! Get everyone at your uni on your friends list and regularly connect with them! Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, Pintrest, Tumblr.... It's all at our disposal for this very reason!

Following local clubs pubs and your student union is also a great way of finding out about events and activities in and around your city - be that guy in halls who knows where the biggest and best parties are at!

4. Be inviting

Going shopping? Ask housemates if they want to join! If you do sports, try and organise a group workout session. Life is more fun when you enjoy it with somebody :)

5. Just enjoy it!

Remember, universities are filled with people just like you! They are all nervous about fitting in. But that's the beauty of uni - everyone is different! It's what makes socialising so much fun! As long as you are open to new ideas, cultures and lifestyles - you'll have no problem :) 

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