Friday 13 September 2013

On Your Marks - Get Set - PACK!

Its that time of the year once more! Wether you are a returning to university, or a fresher just starting out, no one can avoid the inevitability of packing. But never fear! AFS are here are to provide a few handy tips to help make the whole process a little bit easier!

1. Start Early.
I find it best to start packing a week or so before your departure date - it saves a blind panic the night before! I can't tell you how many times I've forgotten the essentials such as plates and clothes because I was packing posters and inflatable ducks. Giving yourself plenty of time to pack everything means less stress and remembering everything. If you're working the week up to your departure date - you're not going to need a wardrobe full of clothes. Same goes for shoes. Keep out what you'll need for the week and pack the rest away.

2. Pack as you Go.
My favorite way to pack is to put an empty box in the middle of your bedroom, and just throw everything you want to take to uni in throughout the week.

3. Find out what you'll need to buy in Advance.
Not all university halls provide things such as kettles, microwaves and bedding. You don't want to have a long journey just to find out at 6pm that night you have no duvet or pans to cook with. Same goes for rented accommodation. Talk to your housemates to work out whose bringing what. There's nothing worse than having 4 toasters but no cutlery!

4. Bring momentos.
Its the little things that make the biggest difference. Trinkets such as presents, photos and posters can bring home comforts to your new residence. You're starting out on a new chapter in your life, but don't forget where you've come from.

5. Remember the Essentials.
Make a list of everything and tick it all off as you load it into the car. Things like clothes wash baskets, clothes horse, laptop and mobile phone chargers are a regular thing left behind, and can be quite expensive to replace in a short space of time.

6. Make copies.
A copy of your contract can be of great use in a sticky situation, especially if your current landlord is not as nice as your last one in terms of decorating. A copy of your house key can also come in handy if you wake up after a night out with no memory of where you left them!

Give yourself a head start and set yourself up with Glide. Consolidate all your bills (gas, electricity, water, telephone, internet, tv license) or just a few into one monthly payment split equally between you and your housemates. No more arguments, no more missed payments, no fuss! For more information, visit: 

8. Think Forward
Packing is a bore, but just think how much fun you're going to have once you're moved in :)

If you have any packing tips yourself, comment below and they could get added to the list! You can also find me on twitter (@PikaJules) or Instagram (@juuuulzy) to get in touch.

Stay safe, have fun, and happy packing! :D

- Jules x

Twitter: @PikaJulesa
Instagram: @RaiJules
Google+: +juuuules592 

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