Tuesday 1 October 2013

Bless You!! 6 ways to beat Freshers Flu!

Drinks! Friends! Parties! Drunken walks home! Hangover Cures! Its all the fun of Freshers Week! But I bet now you're feeling really rough. The cold you have is no cold. Its not even a super cold. It's worse than the plague - its FRESHERS FLU!! But won't worry, AFS is here to give you top tips on how to nurse yourself back to full awesomeness!

1. Liquids!
No! Put that beer down! Alcohol will only add to that banging headache! Instead, grab a glass of water or orange juice to cleanse all those toxins out of your system.

2. Stay Clean!
You're covered in germs, you need to get rid of them! Frequently wash your hands and your body to make sure they don't start calling your body home.Giving your room a clean will also benefit you. Washing clothes and bedsheets frequently will stop germs nesting

3. Say it, Don't Spray it!
Cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze and cough - its common sense, but it helps! Keeping germ infested tongues out of your mouth are also good ways to avoid catching the dreaded flu.

4. Avoid the chills, party indoors!
All those cold walks home after a night out only contribute to Freshers Flu. Getting a Taxi home, staying the night at somebody's house, or even having the party at your own place are all great ways to avoid the chills without affecting your social status.

5. Fresh Fruit, Fresh Health!
As your mummy always taught you to - eat your greens! They're full of vitamins and healthy goodness designed to make you healthy. Buying loose fruit and veg rather than large bags saves money too - an apple in your bag will cost mere pence a day!

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