Tuesday 1 October 2013


Giving up smoking is never easy - but there's no doubt it's good for you. Not only are you improving your health, you'll be saving a lot of money! There are many different methods for you to chose from to aid you in your fight against the sticks - so as part of Stoptober, AFS is here to inform on tips and tricks to kick the habit!

Gum is a popular favorite amongst many quitters. The strength of the gum varies on the number of cigarettes you smoked daily. Gum offers a short burst of nicotine to control the inevitable onset of cravings.

Patches can come in varying time frames, ranging right up until 24 hours. Patches release nicotine through the skin, and are perfect for those quitting with discretion.

Lozenges work in the same way as gum, but last 20-30 minuets, but you should refrain from using lozenges if you suffer from mouth ulcers.

Inhalators look like a plastic cigarette, and work by releasing nicotine vapor. Inhalators are perfect for those addicted more to the motion of smoking rather than the nicotine.  

Nasal Spray
Nasal sprays work the same as hay-fever and cold/flu nasal sprays. The line your nasal passage with nicotine to provide much faster relief from cravings than gum or lozenges.

Not being a smoker myself, I couldn't give any personal advice. So I asked people who had quit smoking to give me their advice on how to kick the cravings.

"My biggest motivation to first quit came from my dad. When I told him I was smoking, I could see the disappointment in his eyes. Smoking wasn't worth losing his respect" - Conleith Ramm
Set yourself a goal
"Having a constant reminder of why your are quitting is a constant boost to keep you on track. It may be a photo of a loved one, or the thing you want to buy with the money you'll save. Having these reminders in places like the fridge and the background of your phone will help you stay on track" - Natalie Ryman
Keep busy
"The best way to fight off cravings are to stay busy. Play video games, read a book, do uni work or even just go for a walk. Keeping busy will keep your mind off the fact you are craving a cigarette" - James Broad

Health Benefits
Below is an image taken from the Huffington Post about the health benefits of stopping smoking.
smoking timeline

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